Harri Wessman
1949 -
Title ↓↑ | Year ↓↑ | Genre ↓↑ | Links |
Duo for Flute and Guitar | 1976 | Chamber Music | |
Finlandia | 2003 | Chamber Music | |
Kanes' bossa | Chamber Music | ||
Kolme kappaletta kahdelle huilulle ja kitaralle (Three Pieces for Two Flutes and Guitar) | 1976 | Chamber Music | |
Ljusa vindar (Light winds) | 1989 | Chorus and Guitar | |
Magic Harp | 1994 | Guitar Ensemble | |
Matkailun filosofiaa (Philosophy of Travelling) | 1992 | Chorus and Guitar | |
Min längtan är längre än vinden (My Yearning is Longer than the Wind) | 1983 | Chorus and Guitar | |
Neljä episodia kitaralle (Four Episodes for Guitar) | 1979 | Solo | |
Oksat kasvavat ohitseni (The branches grow past me), from: Songs to texts by Eha Lättemäe | 1976 | Chorus and Guitar | |
Pan ja Pitys-nymfi (Pan and the Nymph Pitys) | 1979 | Chamber Music | |
Rantalaitumella (Summer Pasture) | 1979 | Chamber Music | |
Sarja alttonokkahuilulle ja kitarall (Suite for Alto Recorder and Guitar) | 1979 | Chamber Music | |
Sonate Classique pour Guitare Seule | 1991 | Solo | |
Sonatiini bandoneonille ja dekakordelle (Sonatina for bandoneon and decacorde) | 2007 | Chamber Music | |
Sonatina for Alto Recorder and Guitar | 1984 | Chamber Music | |
Sonatina for Flute and Guitar | 1992 | Chamber Music | |
Suite for Two Guitars | 1989 | Duo | |
Three Preludes for Guitar | 1981 | Solo | |
Trio for Accordion, Flute and Guitar | 1981 | Chamber Music | |
Two Movements for Guitar Quartet | 1978 | Quartet | |
Viisi preludia kitaralle (Five Preludes for Guitar) | 1981 | Solo | |
Yötä kohti (Towards the Night) | 1978 | Chamber Music |