Dark Blue Circumstance

Paul Dresher




electric guitar - electronics


Guitar with Electronics


San Francisco, New Performance Gallery, 10 December 1982: Paul Dresher


Grove; Paul Dresher Ensemble website;


"The work was originally performed on an elaborate tape loop system which evolved well prior to the appearance of affordable digital technologies on which I now perform the work. This tape loop system was my principal performing tool for most of the 1980's and was integral to many compositions, both for me as a soloist as well as for ensemble music and theater performances and purely tape compositions. I retired this tape loop system in 1996, with the final performance of Slow Fire. However in 1997, I adapted Dark Blue Circumstance for live performance with digital loopers and have performed it occasionally this way since then. A very excellent version of the work is recorded on my New Albion CD of the same title. Structurally, the piece is built loosely around the number five; five sections, meters derived from 5, five layers in the polyphony."

- Paul Dresher (from: Dresher Ensemble website)